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Queer Reading

45 min
50 US dollars

Service Description

Journalist Allie Arnold recently asked, “Why do so many people who are part of marginalized groups find themselves drawn towards astrology?” This question can be answered with memories throughout time as astrology has always been something that is inherently “queer” and thus, has always been a safe space for the queer identity to be represented and validated. Today, queer astrologers like myself have adapted outdated, traditional astrologolical principles to reveal the underlying queerness behind them. In other words, through this reading we will look at key moments and aspects of the collective and personal queer experience. This can include moments such as your coming out, emotions surrounding your sexuality, your relationships surrounding your queerness, and any feelings of “questioning” or wondering about labels. For people looking to visually and spiritually see their queerness validated and explained in a way that is judgment-free, with a reader who is able to relate to them then this is a perfect reading for you. *Note: For transparency and your comfort I am a genderfluid lesbian who identifies as queer and has repeatedly researched, practiced, and created a unique method to see queer themes within a chart. However, I focus on feelings and not labels due to the reality that astrology itself is so much bigger than the words that the English language limits me with!*

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